Driving Growth

DAW is one of Germany’s TOP 100 innovators. As a developer of innovative coating systems for interiors, exteriors and industrial spaces, we improve the performance of the entire building – and with it the users’ quality of life. This is reflected in our claim, which pays homage to our long tradition of innovation – a tradition which can be traced all the way back to 1895 when DAW was founded.

Better Building Performance. Better Life. Since 1895.

Thanks to its numerous innovations, DAW has made many contributions towards the development of the industry over the past 125 years. In doing so, it has played an important role in ensuring that people are able to live and work in healthy, efficient, sustainable and well-designed buildings. By continuing to improve our products, we consistently create added value for our customers – from professional craftsmen to investors, planners and DIY enthusiasts looking to take on projects of their own. DAW’s innovative power is thus not just something which gives us an edge over our competition but is a key component of our core values. This is also reflected in our mission and vision.

The number of awards we have received over the years is testament to our innovative strength and cements our position as one of Germany’s most innovative companies in the development, manufacture and sale of building coating systems.

We warmly invite you to come and discover DAW’s world of innovation – from new product ideas to creative innovation formats and modern innovation processes.

Our Innovations


Innovation awards


Innovation formats


Innovation processes
